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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy stipulates the content and method of handling personal data (defined below) and other information by Rebetech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company").

1. Definition

In this Privacy Policy, the following terms have the following meanings:  

  1. “Personal Data” means any information that can be used to identify an identifiable natural person. This includes names, identification numbers, location data, online identifiers and information by which a natural person can be identified by one or more factors based on physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social aspects.  

  2. "Subcontractor" refers to a company or sole proprietor who concludes a business consignment agreement with us. However, if this privacy policy separately stipulates a subcontractor to whom it applies, that stipulation shall be followed.  

  3. "Individual Service" refers to each service provided by the Company and collectively refers to them. When referring to a specific individual service, it is expressed as "this service".  

  4. "User information" refers to personal data related to users of websites operated by the Company or individual services, history information on communication services, and other information generated or accumulated in relation to users or devices such as smartphones and personal computers of users.

2. Basic policy on personal data protection

All officers and employees of our company recognize the importance of personal data acquired through business activities, protect the acquired personal data, and do our best to handle it appropriately. This includes the prevention of unauthorized access, loss, leakage, etc., and the safe management and operation of personal data.

3. Acquisition of personal data

We will acquire personal data by lawful and fair means. In addition, when receiving personal data or data containing personal data from a third party, we will receive it after confirming that the process of acquisition by the third party is lawful and that the provision of the information is lawful.

4. Acquired Personal Data and Purpose of Use

  1. We use personal information for the following purposes.

    • business contact

    • Execution and performance of contracts (providing information and services, receiving securities, lending, etc.)

    • Guidance on information and services provided by the Company

    • Invitation to seminars, lectures, etc. held by the Company

  2. Personal information will be used only by authorized personnel within the scope of the purpose of collection and according to specific duties. However, this shall not apply when there is the consent of the individual, when permitted by law, or when necessary to protect the life, health, property, or other important interests of the individual or a third party.

  3. We will not leak personal information by using personal information for purposes other than the intended purpose, taking it out of the place where it is normally used, sending it to the outside, etc.plug.

  4. Our employees will not inappropriately disclose personal information obtained in the course of business to third parties or use it for inappropriate purposes. We will follow this policy even after we retire and take appropriate measures.

5. Provision to third parties, etc.

  1. Provision of personal data to third parties We may provide personal data in our possession to third parties only in the following cases:

    • When required by law

    • When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent

    • When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual

    • When the government, local public bodies, or persons entrusted by them require cooperation in order to carry out legally stipulated duties, and obtaining the person's consent may interfere with the execution of those duties.

    • With the consent of the individual

  2. Outsourced parties When we share personal data with a third party or outsource work, we will conduct appropriate investigations, conclude necessary contracts, and take other legally required measures.
    * In the event of organizational restructuring, merger or business transfer, the Company will transfer all or part of the acquired information to the relevant third party.You may.

  3. Provision of Overseas Third Parties Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Privacy Policy, when we provide personal data to a third party overseas, we will obtain the consent of the person except in the following circumstances:

    • In cases where the Personal Information Protection Commission rules stipulate that the receiving country has a personal information protection system equivalent to that of Japan in terms of protecting the rights and interests of individuals.

    • Regarding the handling of personal data, when it is necessary to continuously take measures equivalent to the measures that should be taken by a business operator handling personal information under the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, and is provided to a person who has established a system that meets the standards stipulated by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission

    • When required by law

    • When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent

    • When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual

    • When the government, local public bodies, or persons entrusted by them require cooperation in order to carry out legally stipulated duties, and obtaining the person's consent may interfere with the execution of those duties.

6. Handling of cookies, etc.

  1. Use of cookies, etc.

    • The Company uses cookies, web beacons, and IP addresses for the following purposes on various websites provided by the Company.may make use of:

    • To identify and resolve causes of server failures or problems 

    • To improve website and email content 

    • To personalize website and email content for each user 

    • For use as statistical data in a state where individuals cannot be identified Users can refuse the use of cookies and web beacons by the Company by refusing to receive cookies in the settings of the Internet browsing software. However, in that case, some functions such as customization functions may be restricted.

  2.  Information collection/analysis module, etc.

About Google Analytics

Various websites provided by the Company use Google Analytics to understand the usage status of users.increase. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information for reporting on user information and interest categories.


By downloading and installing the browser plug-in through the link below, the userand you can disable Google Analytics at any time.


For details on Google Analytics, please refer to the following Google website.


When the Company exchanges personal data with a third party, if required by relevant laws and regulations, the Company will appropriately confirm and record such information in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

8. Retention Period for Acquired Information

In accordance with laws and regulations and the operational standards established by the Company, etc., the Company will promptly delete the acquired information when it becomes unnecessary to retain it, such as when the purpose of use related to each acquired information is achieved.

9. Management of personal data

In order to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal data, we will take appropriate information security measures such as measures against unauthorized access and computer viruses.

10. Revision of Privacy Policy

We may revise our privacy policy in response to changes in laws and regulations or business needs. If there is a revision, we will clearly indicate the revised content on our website.

11. Inquiries regarding personal data

For inquiries about the handling of personal data and requests for correction and deletion, please contact the following contact pointPlease contact

Revetech Inc. CS Manager


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